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Formally protected forest land, voluntary set-asides, consideration patches and unproductive forest land. Year 2018 - 2023

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Karin Hedeklint, Statistics Sweden
+46 010-479 45 14
Linus Rispling, Statistics Sweden
+46 010-479 45 69
Area hectar:
Percentage share:
Area hectar:
December 31
Percentage share:
December 31
Area hectar:
Percentage share:
Area hectar:
Percentage share:
Area hectar:
Percentage share:
Statistics Sweden
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Two dots (..) mean that value is missing Values for unproductive forest land have been adjusted to the values that SLU presents for each year in its official statistics. Statistics Sweden´s statistics report the same values as SLU for the years 2018–2021. Statistics Sweden´s values for the years 2022 and 2023 refer to SLU´s statistics for the year 2021, as later reference years are missing in SLU´s statistics. The same values are presented for the last three years, to obtain comparable values with the other three forms in the statistics. Values for consideration patches and voluntary set-asides have been revised continuously due to continuous quality increase in method and input data. In conjunction with the publication of the 2023 statistics, values for voluntary set-asides 2020, 2021 and 2022 have been revised, as well as values for consideration patches 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.


Northern boreal

A division of Sweden into five natural regions, adapted to the county borders. This division was made in the report ’Skogsvårdsorganisationens Utvärdering av Skogspolitiken’ (SUS) from 2001 (in Swedish). 
2. Northern boreal region (Region 2): The counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten below the subalpine region.

Southern boreal

A division of Sweden into five natural regions, adapted to the county borders. This division was made in the report ’Skogsvårdsorganisationens Utvärdering av Skogspolitiken’ (SUS) from 2001 (in Swedish).
3. Southern boreal region (Region 3): The counties of Jämtland Västernorrland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, and Värmland below the subalpine region.


A division of Sweden into five natural regions, adapted to the county borders. This division was made in the report ’Skogsvårdsorganisationens Utvärdering av Skogspolitiken’ (SUS) from 2001 (in Swedish).
4. Hemiboreal region (Region 4): The counties of Örebro, Västmanland, Uppsala, Stockholm, Södermanland, Östergötland, Gotland, Västra Götaland, Jönköping, Kronoberg and Kalmar.


A division of Sweden into five natural regions, adapted to the county borders. This division was made in the report ’Skogsvårdsorganisationens Utvärdering av Skogspolitiken’ (SUS) from 2001 (in Swedish).
5. Nemoral region (Region 5): The counties of Halland, Blekinge, and Skåne.


A division of Sweden into five natural regions, adapted to the county borders. This division was made in the report ’Skogsvårdsorganisationens Utvärdering av Skogspolitiken’ (SUS) from 2001 (in Swedish). 
1.Subalpine region (Region 1): The counties of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland, and Dalarna in the subalpine region.

Northern Norrland

A division of Sweden into four regions, adapted to the county borders. Each region corresponds to the total area of a specific number of counties.
Northern Norrland: The counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

Southern Norrland

A division of Sweden into four regions, adapted to the county borders. Each region corresponds to the total area of a specific number of counties.
Southern Norrland: The counties of Jämtland, Västernorrland, and Gävleborg.


A division of Sweden into four regions, adapted to the county borders. Each region corresponds to the total area of a specific number of counties.
Svealand: The counties of Dalarna, Värmland, Örebro, Västmanland, Uppsala, Stockholm, and Södermanland.


A division of Sweden into four regions, adapted to the county borders. Each region corresponds to the total area of a specific number of counties.
Götaland: The counties of Östergötland, Gotland, Västra Götaland, Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Halland, Blekinge, and Skåne.

In the subalpine region

The boundary for mountain forests in accordance with the Swedish Forest Agency delimitation. There is a boundary for mountain forests in parts of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland, and Dalarna counties.

Below the subalpine region

The boundary for mountain forests in accordance with the Swedish Forest Agency delimitation.

Overlapping forms

With overlapping areas

Including areas that overlap other forms. The fact that the four different forms overlap means that several forms may exist within the same area. In the statistics, overlaps only exist between formally protected forest land and unproductive forest land.

Without overlapping areas

Areas that overlap other forms have been eliminated. The fact that the four different forms overlap means that several forms may exist within the same area. In the statistics, overlaps only exist between formally protected forest land and unproductive forest land. Formal protection is presented in its entirety. Unproductive forest land without overlap has been reduced from areas that are also formally protected.

Forest land

Productive forest land

Productive forest land refers to forest land that is considered to be able to produce on average at least one cubic metre of wood per hectare and year.

Total of forest land

Total forest land is comprised of productive and unproductive forest land. Forest land refers to land within a coherent area in which the trees have a height of more than five metres and a tree crown cover of more than 10 percent or conditions to attain this height and tree crown cover without production-enhacing measures.


Formally protected forest land

Formally protected forest land is a collective term for different forms of protection, determined by laws, ordinances, agreements and individual decisions. Formal protection contains major overlaps between various subsets. In the statistics, these overlaps have been excluded in order to present a net area of formally protected forest land. This form exists in both productive and unproductive forest land.

Voluntary set-asides

Voluntary set-asides refers to areas of productive forest land on which landowners voluntarily decided not to carry out any measures that can harm natural values, cultural environments, or social values. Values are not available for the regions in/below the subalpine region, as well as for Swedish geographical regions.

Consideration patches

Consideration patches refers to small areas of productive forest land that have been made available, voluntarily or pursuant to the Swedish Forest Care Act, for rejuvenation harvesting. Values are not available for the regions in/below the subalpine region, Swedish geographical regions, and counties.

Consideration patches

The area of consideration patches are preliminary estimates based on the most recent definitive three-year average value in 2018/2019.

Unproductive forest land

Unproductive forest land refers to land that cannot produce more than on average one cubic metre of wood per hectare and year. This may refer to wooded mires, rock impediment, or downy birch forest. Unproductive forest land does not occur in productive forest land. Therefore, for this form, values are always unavailable for this variable.


Area hectar

Values are rounded to the nearest 100.

Percentage share

The proportion in percent has been calculated using non-rounded values in hectares. In the calculation, the numerator consists of the areas of the selected variables. The denominator consists of the area of forest land according to the official statistics on forest land in Sweden in the Swedish National Forest Inventory with regard to the forms Voluntary set-asides, Consideration patches, and Unproductive forest land. In the calculation of the proportion of Formally protected forest land, the denominator consists of the area of forest land according to the Swedish data on land cover mapping (NMD). Since the NMD is the source for the area in the numerator, that is, formal protection area, the quality of the statistics are considered to be enhanced if the same source is used for both the numerator and the denominator.



NMD 1.1 has been used in the production of statistics from the reference year 2020. This leads to changes compared with the previous year´s statistics. The changes entail an increase in the quality of the statistics that describe habitat types within protected nature, primarily with regard to the habitat types forest land and wetlands.


The underlying data for all parts of the statistics has been improved and expanded during 2020. This leads to a better quality of the statistics, but means that comparisons with previous years should be made with caution.