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Population statistics by region and sex. Month 2000M01 - 2024M05

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Statistikservice, Statistics Sweden
+46 010-479 50 00
Statistics Sweden
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Optional variable
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.population , population increase/decline , births ,

Selected 0 of total 21

Selected 0 of total 3

Optional variable
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2000M01 , 2000M02 , 2000M03 ,

Selected 1 of total 293

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(maximum number allowed is 150 000)

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Population Changes (Births, Deaths and Migrations) are reported according to the regional division at the beginning of the year (1 January). Events that cannot be traced to a specific month during the year are reported on January. It is usually deaths that are affected. Population growth is defined as the difference between the population at the beginning and end of the month. Some of the population increase cannot be explained by a birth surplus and Net Migration during the Month and the difference is reported as a Adjustment. The population as of December 31 (Month 20XXM12) refers to the regional division of January 1 the following year. The population as of 31 March, 30 June and 30 September refers to the regional division at the beginning of the year (1 January).
Information about the population size is reported about 5-6 weeks after the time of measurement and is not revised afterwards in this table.
The statistics of births, deaths and migrations for the last calendar year are preliminary and will be revised until the statistics for December are published (month 20XXM12).
The statistics for previous years are final and will not be revised.


0186 Lidingö

Since 1 January 2011, Liding municipality has expanded with a part of Vaxholm municipality. This means that 154 persons is changing municipality belonging. Please note that the figures for the municipality are not comparable with earlier figures.

0187 Vaxholm

Since 1 January 2011, a part of Vaxholm municipality has been transferred to Lidingö municipality. This means that 154 persons is changing municipality belonging. Please note that the figures for the municipality are not comparable with earlier figures.

03 Uppsala county

From January 1, 2007, Heby Municipality changed county from Västmanland County to Uppsala County. This implies that the population increase for the two counties includes Heby´s change of county, since the increase is based on the population according to the divisions 2006-01-01 and 2007-01-01. The number of births, deaths, etc. for Heby Municipality during 2006 is included in the number of births, deaths, etc. for Västmanland County because the events are based on the regional division of 2006-01-01. The part of the county´s population increase that can be explained by Heby´s county change is reported as an adjustment item.

03 Uppsala county

As of 2007-01-01 were the county of Uppsala increased with Heby municipality. This leads to a break in the time series.

0330 Knivsta

Knivsta Municipality was founded 2003-01-01 after a separation from the municipality of Uppsala. This implies that the population increase for both municipalities includes the municipal formation as population growth is based on regional division on 2002-01-01 and 2003-01-01. The number of births, deaths etc in Knivsta is however included in the number of births, deaths, etc for Uppsala when events is based on division 2002-01-01.

0331 Heby

Heby municipality changed county affiliation from Uppsala to Västmanland in 2007-01-01. In this table Heby municipality have the current municipal code 0331.

0380 Uppsala

Knivsta Municipality was founded 2003-01-01 after a separation from the municipality of Uppsala. This implies that the population increase for both municipalities includes the municipal formation as population growth is based on regional division on 2002-01-01 and 2003-01-01. The number of births, deaths etc in Knivsta is however included in the number of births, deaths, etc for Uppsala when events is based on division 2002-01-01.

19 Västmanland county

From January 1, 2007, Heby Municipality changed county from Västmanland County to Uppsala County. This implies that the population increase for the two counties includes Heby´s change of county, since the increase is based on the population according to the divisions 2006-01-01 and 2007-01-01. The number of births, deaths, etc. for Heby Municipality during 2006 is included in the number of births, deaths, etc. for Västmanland County because the events are based on the regional division of 2006-01-01. The part of the county´s population increase that can be explained by Heby´s county change is reported as an adjustment item.

19 Västmanland county

As of 2007-01-01 were the county of Västmanland reduced with Heby municipality. This leads to a break in the time series.

population changes


Information about the Population size is reported about 5-6 weeks after the time of measurement and is not revised afterwards in this table.


The population refers to the last day of each month.

population increase/decline

Information about the population increase/decline size is reported about 5-6 weeks after the time of measurement and is not revised afterwards in this table.


Deaths during the year that cannot be linked to a specific month are reported as deaths during January (month 20XXM01). The data for the whole country is reported in the database table Definitive Population Statistics by sex. Month.

excess of births over deaths

Excess of births over deaths is the number of birth minus the number of deaths during the period. Deaths during the year that cannot be linked to a specific month are reported as deaths during January (month 20XXM01).

all domestic in-migrations

All Domestic In-migrations is the sum of In-migrations from other municipalities within the county and In-migrations from other counties in Sweden.


The adjustment is the part of the population increase that cannot be explained by a birth surplus or immigration surplus during the period. It includes births, deaths and occurences of immigration and emigration that were reported during the period, but that has occured before the beginning of the period.

Population changes between two periods that occur as a result of areal changes are included in the adjustment post.



On January 1, 2003, Knivsta Municipality was formed following a division of Uppsala Municipality. The population as of December 31, 2002 (month 2002M12) is reported according to the municipal division on January 1, 2003, while the population as of November 30, 2002 (month 2002M11) is reported according to the division on January 1, 2002. The number of births, deaths and migrations during December 2002 (month 2002M12) in the part of Uppsala municipality which became Knivsta municipality is reported in Uppsala municipality. This is because events that occurred in 2002 are reported in accordance with the municipal breakdown on January 1, 2002. This means that the population increase and adjustment item in December 2002 for Knivsta municipality in its entirety includes Knivsta´s population as of December 31, 2002. For Uppsala municipality, the reduction of the municipality leads to a decreased population during December 2002 and that is also a big part of the adjustment item.


From January 1, 2007, Heby Municipality changed county from Västmanland County to Uppsala County. This implies that the population increase and the Adjustment for the two counties during December 2006 includes Heby´s change of county. This is because the population as of December 31, 2006 (month 2006M12) is reported according to the county division on January 1, 2007, while the population as of November 30, 2006 (month 2006M11) is reported according to the division on January 1, 2006. The number of births, deaths, etc. for Heby Municipality during December 2006 (month 2006M12) is included in the number of births, deaths and migrations for Västmanland County because the events are based on the county division of 2006-01-01. The part of the both county´s population increase/decrease that can be explained by Heby´s county change is reported as an adjustment item.