Statistical database
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The Statistical Database is updated Monday-Friday 8.00.
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Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Business activities
Education and research
Financial markets
General statistics
Household finances
Housing, construction and building
Labour market
Living conditions
National accounts
National Accounts, quarterly and annual estimates
GDP, labour input and labour cost, quarterly estimates, actual values
GDP and labour input, quarterly estimates, working-day and seasonally adjusted values
Sector Accounts, quarterly estimates
GDP, labour input and capital stock, annual estimates, actual values
Sector Accounts, annual estimates
National wealth
Economic indicators
Excessive Deficit Procedure
National accounts other
National accounts, previous definitions
Regional accounts
Social protection expenditure and receipts in Sweden and Europe (ESSPROS)
Supplement on contingent liabilities and potential obligations to the EDP related questionnaire
System of Health Accounts
The Swedish Economy – Statistical Perspective
Prices and Consumption
Public finances
Trade in goods and services
Transport and communications