Statistical database
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The Statistical Database is updated Monday-Friday 8.00.
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Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Business activities
Education and research
Activities zones and retail trade areas
Concentrations of holiday homes
Discharges to water and sewage sludge production
Emissions of atmospheric pollutants
Environmental protection expenditure
Formally protected forest land, voluntary set-asides, consideration patches and unproductive forest
Green areas within and in the vicinity of urban settlements
Greenhouse gas emissions and removals
Land and water areas
Land use in proximity to shoreline
Land use in Sweden
Protected nature
Sales of fertilizers for agricultural and horticultural purposes
Sustainable Development indicators
System of Environmental and Economic Accounts
Urban areas, localities and small localities
Number of localities (urban areas) and population density by region. Every fifth year 2005 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Number of localities, smaller localities and holiday home areas, by region. Every fifth year 2000 - 2020 [2022-11-24]
Population in Sweden by urban and rural areas. Every fifth year 1800 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population in localities by size class. Year 2010 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population and land area within and outside of localities, by region. Every fifth year 2005 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population and land area within localities, by locality. Every fifth year 1960 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population in localities by sex, age and region. Every fifth year 2015 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population in localities by sex, age and locality. Every fifth year 2005 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population in localities by sex, age and size class. Every fifth year 2015 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Densification and depopulation of localities, population in localities by reference year and size class. Year 2015 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Densification and depopulation of localities, population in localities by reference year and locality. Year 2015 - 2023 [2024-11-28]
Population, land area and share of holiday home area, by region and type of area. Every fifth year 2000 - 2020 [2022-11-24]
Buildings and dwellings
Gainfully employed
Small localities
Old tables, not updated
Waste, electonic equipment and batteries
Waste, generated and treated
Waste, packaging
Waste, transboundary shipments
Water withdrawal and water use in Sweden
Financial markets
General statistics
Household finances
Housing, construction and building
Labour market
Living conditions
National accounts
Prices and Consumption
Public finances
Trade in goods and services
Transport and communications