Statistical database
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The Statistical Database is updated Monday-Friday 8.00.
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Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Business activities
Education and research
Financial markets
General statistics
Household finances
Housing, construction and building
Labour market
Aggregate gross pay, payroll taxes and prel. tax statistics from employers monthly tax returns
Gross pay based on income of statements
Job openings and recruitment needs
Job openings and unmet labour demand
Labour cost index
Labour cost index for wage-earners and salaried employees in the private sector (AKI)
Labour Force Surveys (LFS)
Labour Force Surveys, previous definitions
Labour statistics based on administrative sources
Population by Labour market status
Salary structures, whole economy
Short term business statistics on sick pay
Short-term employment
Short-term statistics, salaries in the municipalities
Short-term statistics, salaries in the regional authorities
Short-term statistics, wages and salaries in the private sector
Short-term statistics; salaries in the governmental sector
The Swedish Occupational Register
Wage and salary structures and employment in regions
Wage and salary structures and employment in the central government sector
Wage and salary structures and employment in the municipalities
Wage and salary structures in the private sector
Manual workers: Hourly wages
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by region, occupational group (SSYK) and sex. Year 2014 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by, occupational group (SSYK) age and sex. Year 2014 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by region, occupation (4-digit SSYK) and sex. Year 2014 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation (4-digit SSYK) and sex. Year 2014 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by pay element by industry SNI 2007, type of working time and sex. Year 2008 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Average hourly pay and confidence interval, manual workers private sector (SLP) by region, occupational group (SSYK) and sex. Year 2008 - 2023 [2024-05-21]
Manual workers: Wages dispersion
Manual workers: Other time series
Manual workers: Old tables, not updated
Non-manual workers: Monthly salary
Non-manual workers: Salary dispersion
Non-manual workers: Other time series
Non-manual workers: Old tables, not updated
Living conditions
National accounts
Prices and Consumption
Public finances
Trade in goods and services
Transport and communications